How to find information
All the main areas of the Malta Resources Authority website can be accessed via the homepage. The site is broken down into two main sections:
- Corporate information – information about the Authority. These can be accessed from the Home page.
- Regulatory information – Minerals and Water. These can be accessed at any time from the Navigation bar at the top of any page.
- Climate change, emission trading schemes and fuel quality. These can be accessed at any time from the Navigation bar at the top of any page.
In addition, the following are some tips and advice on the use of the site:
You can return to the Home page at any time by clicking on the button in the navigation bar. The navigation bar appears on all pages on the site.
Site Specifications
This web site has been designed for 800×600 resolution using 256 colours.
Printing Pages
Any page can be printed by selecting File – Print from the browser menu.
All the Authority web site pages can be searched using the search site facility, which can be accessed from the navigation bar on every page. This allows the users to enter a word or a collection of words and search the entire site for matches. The results are sorted by relevance.
Submitting enquiries
Enquiries may be submitted electronically by sending an email to
Certain documents are published on this website in pdf or as a Microsoft Word document.
PDF download – Used to view and print Adobe Acrobat Files (PDFs).
Word viewer download – Used to view and print word files (doc).