Head Office
Aldo Moro Road
MRS 9065
NOTE: The MRA is no longer responsible for swimming pool licences, feed-in tariffs, schemes (including PV, solar water heaters or domestic well repairs), energy matters or for wireman or electrician’s Licence A or Licence B renewals. For further information kindly contact the Regulator for Energy and Water Services.
You can contact us by completing the following form and pressing the send button:
You can also contact us by telephone or email to:
Telephone (general): +356 23850500 Telephone (ETS): +356 23850508 Telephone (CBAM): +356 23850510 Email: enquiry@mra.org.mtOffices:
To ensure that you are provided with a personalised service, please phone on 23850500 to set up an appointment before visiting our offices.
Biex tkun ċert li tiġi pprovdut b’servizz personalizzat, ċempel fuq 23850500 biex tagħmel appuntament qabel ma tiġi l-uffiċċju.